Statement on new government from premier-designate John Horgan

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Statement on new government from premier-designate John Horgan

VICTORIA- Premier-designate John Horgan issued the following statement on being asked by the Lieutenant-Governor to lead a new government:

“Today, British Columbia got a new government that will work every single day to make life better for people.

“British Columbians work hard to build a better life for themselves and their families. But for years, life in B.C. has been getting harder and more expensive. That’s about to change.

“There’s a lot of work to do to fix the problems British Columbians are facing. And we’re ready to get started.

“It’s time for new leadership that makes life more affordable for people.

“It’s time to shorten health care wait times and invest in better schools for our kids.

“It’s time to build a sustainable economy with good-paying, stable jobs in every corner of this province.

“It’s time to build a better B.C., together.”